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产品: 浏览次数:191美白,谷胱甘肽 
品牌: 威德曼
型号: 德国Roche Tationil美白针(谷胱甘肽)
单价: 69800.00元/个
最小起订量: 1 个
供货总量: 10000 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 2011-08-26 [已过期]
最后更新: 2010-08-26 22:20
产品功效: 良好的肝脏和皮肤平滑从体内,和保护皮肤。 通过细胞抗抗氧化剂老化,肝脏解毒,保护肝脏。 增强免疫系统和更好的生活。 使用四毫升酒糟+每次600毫克tationil粉混合,1星期12次。 注入方式: - 静脉注射(IV),打点滴或普通注射。 - 滴灌带15分钟将是最好的效果。 What is Tationil Glutathione? 什么是 Tationil美白针? It is a protein (amino acid) molecule which is important as our body antioxidant (to remove excess free radicals that cause abnormal function of brain and organs), immune system booster and detoxifier. Tationil glutathione 是一种对身体有着排毒功能的蛋白质(抗氧化剂), 可以消除对身体器官有害的致癌物质 It presents in every cell to promote normal function as maintaining the immune system. Tationil glutathione 存在身体的每个细胞之内,维持着身体的免疫系统 One of the master antioxidant that mostly found in liver 是身体的主要抗氧化剂 It eliminates toxic compound (such as Paracetamol) in liver. 可以为肝脏排毒,对于长期服食对肝脏有破坏性效果药物的病人 ,有显著的帮助 It reconstitutes vitamin C and E which is being oxidized. Thus, greatly reduces acne/blemish/ pimples. 能够减少黑头,粉刺,青春痘 Combine taking with vitamin c injection greatly enhance your immunity, reduces tiredness, more youthful skin and stay healthy. 能够维持身体的活力,维持青春美丽 Fights against the cancer, heart disease, premature aging, autoimmune disease and other chronic illness. Tationil glutathione 能够帮助抵抗癌症,心脏病,老化,免疫系统疾病 Treats neurodegenerative symptoms such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, stroke, irritate bowel and chronic fatigue. 能够对抗帕金逊疾病的病症 Long term treatment for smokers and drinkers. 对于长期吸烟喝酒的用户有显著的效果 Interaction: No known interaction, individual with liver malfunction is not supposed to take this product. Pregnant and lactating women are not supposed to take the injection and other same kind of supplementary. 不适宜怀孕,脯乳中的女性,和有肝脏疾病的用户 Dosage and method: TATIONIL is a pure injectable GLUTATHIONE with 600mg dosage. It is dissolved with 4ml of distilled water and is directly injected either by intravenous or intramuscular route. 1 ampoule weekly. Many cosmetic dermatologists had been using the product due to its other effect whitening the skin. We assure you of the seal of the originality of TATIONIL, which has a seal at the back of the box. This is a safety feature in order to detect other counterfeit products. 一个星期只需要注射一次,通过五次静脉或内体注射,就可以维持长时间美白亮丽的肌肤



